* A small overhaul of the Bitter Coast region including: * A small overhaul of Khuul making it feel a bit more ‘settled’. * A small overhaul of Gnaar Mok turning it into a walled settlement more influenced by House Hlaalu. * A complete overhaul of Ebonheart turning it into a fortified settlement including several new shops and other places of interest. As of now the following Tombs have been overhauled: Note that not all tombs have been expanded as some are large enough, and were only in need of cluttering. This overhaul includes for example new areas, new loot and misc items. * An work in progress overhaul to expand or improve most of the tombs on Vvardenfell. With this overhaul I’ve gone through many of the uniques. Many of Morrowind’s unique armor and weapons lacked unique models setting them appart from vanilla assets. * A completely new plugin: Morrowind Rebirth – Skills, making all skill changes optional. * A completely new plugin: Morrowind Rebirth – Birthsigns, making all birthsign changes optional. To use this service you need to have reached the rank ‘Clanfriend’. * The various Ashlander tribes now provide travel services to other camps. * The creature ‘Slime’ has been renamed to ‘Voriplasm’.

* Dwemer chests are now less likely to hold Dwemer armor. * Voriplasms (Slimes) will no longer spawn in Tombs, but in a confined area in the Bitter Coast Region. * Some traders now have magical stars, bolts and arrows for sale, which previously were hard to come by except for in random drops. * Fixed an issue where the Dwemer Bolt icon was facing the wrong direction * Fixed an issue where the holiday rumors for Morning Star didn’t work correctly. * Fixed an issue where Auriel’s bow enchantment was set “Cast On Strike” instead of “Cast on Use”. * Fixed an issue where some NPCs in Vivec Entrance, Ordinators Barracks said that their name was “Ordinator”. * Fixed an issue where Bedene Andalara (publician) in Vivec Entrace, Ordinators Barracks didn’t have any gold. * The owner of Magical Clothes in Balmora, Tolmse Samori, will now react properly if you try to steal her items. * Fixed an iusse where the Key to Nchurdamz Doors had 6 duplicates due being put in a non-unique chest.
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Those interested can download this latest version of Morrowind Rebirth from here, and you can find its complete changelog below. Morrowind Rebirth version 4.8 fixes numerous issues, comes with a number of landscape fixes and improvements, features two completely new plugins, enhances many of Morrowind’s unique armor and weapons, expands or improves most of the tombs on Vvardenfell and more.

This project comes also packs new adventures, and comes with new exciting areas to see and explore, as well as new artifacts waiting to be discovered. Morrowind Rebirth is is a complete overhaul for Morrowind, adding countless new details, weapons, armors and much more for you to see and do. And since “trancemaster_1988” has released a brand new version, we thought it would be great to remind you about it. It’s been more than five years since our last look on the Morrowind Rebirth project.